From Gem’s Press
by Amos R. Wells
99¢ on Kindle
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See the original.
Amos G. Wells’ classic book from the year 1910, How to Work, is a smart, useful, and enjoyable read. It’s full of good life advice, as if from an experienced friend whom you like to hang out with. The author is a Christian, and his faith is central to the book, yet the book is full of practical advice, and the faith it talks about could equally be any authentic religious or spiritual conception of Christ Consciousness, or God – there is no doctrine or dogmatism in this book. At any rate, exposure to true Christian talk won’t hurt anybody and might even be helpful or enlightening. I found some good lessons to be reminded of throughout this book.
The sincerity of Mr. Wells’ good-natured attempt to help us all along in life comes shining through, and there is such an appealing sweetness, I would have liked to have known the author, but… the book was written in 1910! And though the language may sometimes be charmingly antique, the meaning and value of the wisdom is timeless. As he pointed out over 100 years ago, society just does too much rushing around. We marvel at how slow the world was then by comparison — and have to ask ourselves if nowadays, when we’re going many times as fast, we are going entirely, insanely, too fast. The book jogs us out of our current world and presents many fresh points of view, a nice trick for an old book.
How to Work really is a wake-up call to conscious living. I enjoyed the old-fashioned ways the ideas are presented — although sometimes the book had a very modern feel, which I believe is its timeless wisdom shining through. I found it a true and refreshing help in my quest to live sanely, happily, and on-purpose in today’s world.
How to Work was originally published in 1910. This Kindle edition is a faithful re-creation by Gems Press. Buy it or read a sample on Amazon*.
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